Dave’s Monday Blast – June 12, 2023

Over the last two weeks we have been considering three questions that the Lord asks of us when we are out of relationship with Him because of our sin. The questions he asked of Adam in Genesis three (the initial act of sin by humankind) are the same questions He asks of us today.

Questions one and two from the last two weeks:
1. (Genesis 3:9) Where are you? – Asked of Adam and Eve while hiding from Him as He sought them out in the garden.
2. (Genesis :10) Who told you? – Referencing Adam’s answer to question one that they were naked and ashamed of their nakedness.

Question three for this week: 
3. (Genesis 3:11) What have you done? The author comments: “Being sorrowful that you got caught is not tantamount to repentance, especially if it does not result in change. Sometimes, how we respond to this third question reveals that we fear we cannot be forgiven.”

What is God up to with this question? He is calling us to reconciliation. Our sin is forgivable if we truly confess and repent. While Scripture is replete with God forgiving all manner of sin; murder, inappropriate sexual behavior, dishonesty, and weakness, His forgiveness does not necessarily nullify the worldly consequences of those actions.

The author concludes with these thoughts: “God loves us, even when we’re hiding. He gently but persistently asks questions that make confession appropriate and opportune, which leads to repentance and results in reconciliation. I suppose the only thing we must fear is no longer hearing Him ask those questions.” Fortunately, He will NEVER stop asking the questions. He is long suffering.

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