Dave’s Monday Blast – June 5, 2023

Last week we gained some insight into the nature and character of God through an article from the denisonforum.org  centering on Genesis three and the fall of humankind into sin. The article focused on how sin dramatically changed our relationship with the Father. We noted that as a result of their disobedience they experienced for the first time the sensation of fear as they heard Him (The Father) walking toward them in the garden. Up until that moment of initial sin, they only experienced joy when they heard Him approach.The author of the article identified two human responses to fear that we discussed last week.

1. The kind that causes you to want nothing to do with the object of your fear.
2. The kind that is synonymous with reverential awe of its object. (Psalm 112:1)

How God responds to our disobedience is another thing altogether. We discovered that God responded to their sin by asking three questions of Adam and Eve; He asks those same questions of us when we sin. Let’s take this week, and the next, to unpack those three questions.

1. From Genesis 3:9 God inquires of Adam: Where are you? Of course the Lord knew where he was physically, but his spiritual condition is what He was asking about. INTENTIONAL men of God know that we can not hide from God. God was not seeking information, but providing an opportunity for confession. He does this for you and I each and every day. The author asks: What kind of fear does coming face to face with God strike in you? Shame and guilt or reverential awe? God coming close to you and me indicates that He is seeking us out, not hunting us down. Jesus affirms this truth in Luke 19:10.

I think the take away from this question is this…even though we don’t have to hide from Him when we sin, hide we do. From what are you hiding; disappointment, guilt and shame, or perhaps you hide in your busyness.

So the author asks this question: Why does God ask where we are? Because our confession is the key that unlocks the riches of His mercy and grace. He is always seeking reconciliation, not vengeance. After Adam responds to the Lord’s question about his nakedness and his fear in Genesis 3:10, God asks His second question…

2. From Genesis 3:11 God inquires of Adam: Who told you?  Until this point, their obedience and innocence had protected them from the reality and shame of their nakedness. God’s second question once again provided Adam with the opportunity for confession of his disobedience. The author informs us though that Adam used this opportunity to accuse and blame his bride. We learn from this exchange that obedience to God protects us. His goal is to build us up. Sin and disobedience only tear us down. When God confronts the sin in any of our lives, he asks: Who told you?

I think the take away from this question is simply this…ULTIMATELY…to whom are you listening?

Next week we will consider the third question God asked of Adam and his response.

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