Dave’s Monday Blast – February 20, 2023

The Bible is filled with accounts of men and women setting out on journeys that defied conventional wisdom, but were done in obedience to God. Examples of these journeys of faith range from Abraham and Moses to Mary and Joseph. We know from these accounts, and many more, that these sojourners wondered at times if they were indeed going in the right direction. Were they following the right path? Did they respond to a real call or did they pursue a course of action not sanctioned by God ?

Maybe you’ve wondered over the course of your Christian walk if you were going the right way. Pastor Charles Stanley comments, “It’s a complex world full of obstacles and deceptive ideas along the way. Even your own desires, dreams, and plans might cause you to veer from God’s course. How much better it is to trust and follow your Savior, who died to rescue you from sin and give you abundant life (John 10:10)Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know that you are guided by the Lord every step of the way. To that end, (Psalm 32:8 & 9) is a strong passage on divine guidance. It contains both a promise and a warning.”

Promise: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will advise you with My eye upon you.

Warning: Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, whose trappings include bit and bridle to hold them in check, otherwise they will not come near to you.”

Stanley continues: “Sometimes it may feel as if the path ahead is unchartered, after all, you’ve never been alive before. You have your own calling and you’re uniquely made in God’s image, as all His children are. However, you’re not the first person to walk with the Lord. And though the world has changed, the human condition has not.”

For as long as you and I are on earth, He will be there to faithfully guide us, taking us by the hand through every circumstance. And afterward, He’ll receive each of us with open arms into His glory (Psalm 73:23 – 24). 

Next week let us consider how God guides us through our journey. We always need to self-analyze whether or not we are on the path the Lord has prepared for us, or if we have INTENTIONALLY or unintentionally decided to direct our own course.

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