Dave’s Monday Blast – February 6, 2023

I was reading a devotional recently from IN TOUCH ministries based upon (1 Corinthians 13:1 – 8). The topic was specific to forgiveness being An Act of God. We often hear that the thirteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians is the Love Chapter. But the context relates to forgiveness. Forgiving people who’ve wronged us is a tough command to follow. Our nature is to lash out at those who hurt us. Instead of releasing an offense, we replay the mistreatment, relive the pain, and stoke the anger.
My biggest take away from this passage is framed in questions: 
  • Aren’t you glad that God doesn’t do that with us? He loves us in spite of ourselves, and He forgives us for our sins unconditionally (Including forgetting them).
  • Aren’t you glad that God loves you? This is why He forgives you.
  • Why does He love you? (Check out a song called Why from Elevation Worship – YouTube)
As we examine this passage we discover wonderful descriptors of what Love is and what it is not. But as we focus upon (verse 5) we discover how love relates to forgiveness! (IN TOUCH Ministries)
1. Love does not seek its own benefit. When we’ve been wronged, we want our rights, but God’s love seeks what’s best for the other person. That is powerful isn’t it!
2. Love is not provoked. It’s to our glory if we overlook wrongdoing rather than respond with irritation or anger (Proverbs 19:11) “Love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8), but rage and resentment add to the problem.
3. Love does not keep an account of a wrong suffered. Keeping a list of grudges kills relationships, but forgiveness brings healing and possible restoration, (it may not happen as we plan or hope). People WILL at times wrong us. But if we’re yielded to the Holy Spirit, we can have a peaceful, loving  heart that’s not preoccupied with our rights, easily provoked, or burdened with grudges.

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