Dave’s Monday Blast – April 11, 2022

The Christian Walk is a Walk of Faith. From the moment you become a believer, you enter the school of faith because, from that point on, the Father’s goal is to teach you to trust in Him. Therefore, in order to live effectively and grow in your relationship with Him you must have confidence that God, the Sovereign Lord of the universe, will do exactly what He says and fulfill every single promise He’s made to you.

Our passage last week from Genesis 12:1 – 10 uses the life of Abraham to demonstrate what is necessary for remaining confident in the Father’s provision. Check out the first two of 5 requirements:

1. Learn to Listen to God: The Lord IS speaking to each of us individually as He did with Abraham, BUT if we do not learn to listen to Him, how will we ever have a trusting relationship with Him?
The first question we should ask is, “How does the Father communicate with us?” He does so primarily through His Word and prayer. As we read the Bible daily, He shows us how to handle the issues that concern us. However, He may also communicate through other people, sermons, Christian books, songs, and circumstances. (Any old school teachers out there know that this is called using Multiple Modalities to reach every Learner). In fact, He will move heaven and earth to show us His will when we seek His face. The key is to begin each day by praying. “Father, if You have anything to say to me, please speak…I’m listening.” Though there may be times when God’s directions do make sense to us, be assured that He would never tell us to do anything that contradicts Scripture.

2. Learn to Obey God: AS you and I grow in our relationship with the Father, we learn by trial and error how crucial it is for us to do exactly as He tells us. In fact, once we hear the Lord’s direction, our best course of action is to submit to His commands fully and immediately, no matter what it costs us, because obedience to God always brings blessings. As we mature, we also discover that when we attempt to take shortcuts or circumvent God’s plan, we get ourselves into trouble. This is because partial obedience is disobedience, which always brings terrible consequences.

Next week we will continue unpacking these requirements, but as we finish today I want you to consider these questions carefully:

1. Do you have confidence that God will fulfill every promise He’s made?
2. Do you trust Him to lead you in the best possible path for your life?
3. Are you willing to put those you love most into His capable hands?

I hope you can answer yes to these questions because when you became a believer, you entered the school of faith for this very purpose…to trust Him more.

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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