Dave’s Monday Blast – September 27, 2021

For the last two weeks we have been talking about ways that we can help ourselves and others facing the storms of life. We know that Satan is the enemy behind these storms. Satan is the original terrorist. Jesus called him ” a murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44). The Lord warned us that “the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy” (John 10:10).

To counter his schemer we identified four essential principles:

  1. Expect to be attacked: (1 Peter 5:8) The devil is a prowling and roaring lion.
  2. Admit that you can not defeat him in your strength: (2 Corinthians 11:3) The devil is better at tempting than we are at resisting.
  3. Surrender to the power of God: (James 4:7) Submit, then you can resist.
  4. Turn temptation into immediate prayer: (Ephesians 4:27) Do not give the devil even a small foothold.

Author Max Lucado writes, “You’re stronger than you think because God is nearer than you know. When we trust our temptations and challenges to our Lord, your problem becomes His pathway. The challenge you face becomes a canvas upon which Christ can demonstrate His finest work.”

As a result, he counsels, “Don’t let the storm turn you inward. Let it turn you upward.” But Max also reminds us that we must truly trust our storm to our Savior, warning us that “contingent faith is the faith of sidewalk chalk: it’s beautiful when the sun shines, but it washes away when the rain falls.”

He also warns us against self-sufficiency that trusts more in ourselves than in our Lord, quoting Charles Spurgeon: “It is not our littleness that hinders Christ, but our bigness. It is not our weakness that hinders Christ; it is our strength. It is not our darkness that hinders Christ; it is our supposed light that holds back his hand.”

By contrast, Jesus is “able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20). This “power at work within us” is the Holy Spirit who already indwells every Christian (1 Corinthians 3:20). In other words, you already have within you all that you need to trust the God who is for you to defeat the enemy who relentlessly attacks you.

Pastor Jim Denision comments: “We live in a world filled with spiritual conflict (Ephesians 6:12). We are either running into Satan or we are running with him. There is no third option. However, be encouraged: when you run into Satan, this means you are running with God.” That’s good isn’t it!

With whom will you run today my brothers?


About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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