Dave’s Monday Blast – May 17, 2021

I read a blog each morning from an organization called Grassfire. The author, Steve Elliott, recently spoke at a Leadership Camp at the invitation of his son’s Christian High School. Steve was speaking on the battle being waged for the hearts and minds of young men and women and what they must do to win the battle, i.e. retain and mature a Biblical Christian Worldview. Steve comments: “I never expected a fortune cookie to PERFECTLY ILLUSTRATE the battle we face for the hearts and minds of Americans, especially the younger generation.” Steve is specifically referring to Generation Z. We define this generation as those born between 1997 and 2015 (approximately). Steve shares the following research specific to Gen Z:

Understand that they make up 21% of our population and 30% of the global population. 

“Gen Z is the first truly POST-CHRISTIAN generation; just 9% are “engaged Christians” and only a third attend church regularly; they are “gender fluid” – less than half identity as “complete heterosexual”; they are the most diverse generation in history; and they are “device addicts. Essentially, Gen Z are Millennials on steroids. And one more thing; Gen Z has re-defined morality. According to Gen Z, morality means you can do what you want as long as it “doesn’t hurt anyone else.” 

You and I know that this is where America has been heading for decades. Gen Z is truly the end result of the sexual revolution and all the “me” revolutions that have followed. There really is NO external standard of morality for this rising generation. Like Steve, my children are products of Christian education, and although they are different from typical “Gen Z-ers” in the above mentioned definitions, in this world they face an overwhelming bombardment of mind-altering, intellectual bullying designed to “convert them” to the WOKE, amoral ways of our world.

Steve said, “We need to challenge this generation as they watch TV and use social media, they do so with a keen eye for the anti-Biblical propaganda that has caused them to adopt the radical ideas of gender fluidity and amorality that defines them.” Men of INTENTION know that the only way to spot the lie, is to know the Truth.  The Secret Service is taught to identify counterfeit currency not by studying fakes, but by becoming an expert on all aspects of real currency. So everyone MUST spend more time in the Word then they spend listening to other voices.

What does this have to do with a fortune cookie? Just before the final session of his time with the students, Steve noticed a gal named Sally trying to get his attention. “Mr. Elliott, something happened at dinner. The Chinese food included a fortune cookie, and this is what mine said, ‘it’s okay to do whatever you want, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone'”. 

Steve comments: “To say that the message in the fortune cookie was an eye-opening experience for Sally is an understatement. In that cookie, she had conclusive evidence there is a radical agenda at work in our world!” Satan is pulling out all the stops and it is clear that this battle we are engaged in is not with “flesh and blood…” (Ephesians 6:12).  Satan is intent on capturing the hearts and minds of humankind. I am very concerned that our Gen Zer’s are truly in his crosshairs.

Here is Steve’s point: We are in a battle for the very soul of not only our nation but the entire globe. The war being waged is for the hearts and minds of all. In that moment when Sally read the fortune cookie message, Steve said, “I knew the battle had been won in Sally’s mind. She would NEVER be fooled again by WOKE anti-Biblical idolaters.” May our God shine the light on His Truth in the midst of this darkness so that at the end of the day it will be said that Gen Z was the greatest evangelistic tool ever employed by God to reconcile humankind back to Himself.

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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