Dave’s Monday Blast – December 14, 2020

I was thinking the other day about Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her unusual pregnancy. In spite of the personal and cultural challenges her specific pregnancy provided, with great courage and faith she chose to believe that the child within her body was the long awaited Messiah. She literally carried the “Good News” concerning the Messiah in her womb. She did so with joy and peace knowing that God had finally provided the long awaited solution to sin and death that had plagued humankind since the fall.

Pastor Charles Stanley writes, “The power to impact others is not so much in what we do, but in who we are. Throughout my life, many people have helped to shape my character, thoughts and behavior, though I don’t always remember their specific words or actions. In turn, I want to make a positive impact on others, whether through a one-time encounter or a long-term relationship.” You and I must carry the “Good News” about Jesus to our sphere of influence just as Mary did within hers. To carry this news is not without sacrifice.

In John 8:12 and John 14:6 we discover that Jesus is the Light of the world and source of Life. In Matthew 5:14, Jesus tells his followers that as His Ambassadors, they bear the only light in their dark world. He’s reminding them that they can have an impact as they move about in the world, by bringing warmth to challenging circumstances, illuminating what is true, and reflecting His presence. Take time to identify what is unique about the people you meet within your sphere of influence. Pray for the Lord to help you identify ways to notice them and connect with them.

Remember, each of us has an opportunity to be a light in tangible ways. All we have to do is take little steps to get to know people around us and make them feel loved, and the Lord will reveal ways in which we can serve them. Each small interaction is an opportunity to help someone feel seen, known, and even celebrated. Being a light in this world is not as complicated as it seems. Be INTENTIONAL this week…let your light shine in the darkness of our world.

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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