Dave’s Monday Blast – September 16, 2019

What is the relevance of God’s Word in/for our world today?

God’s Word is ALWAYS relevant because human nature simply does not change! You and I still face the same fears and embrace the same hopes as our first ancestors. JFK spoke for all humankind across all time when he said, “In the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.” Those truths represent our most basic common links.

To put this idea into a biblical apologetic: All humankind is linked by the need to know the origin of their life, the purpose for their existence and what happens when life is over. Because God’s Word is as relevant today as when it was first inspired, living by biblical truth and sharing it with others is as relevant as ever. In our secular, post-Christian culture, this is an important fact to remember essentially because only the Bible answers the primal questions of humanity.

Pastor Jim Denison comments, “You’re not trusting an old, outdated book when you choose to live by biblical morality…you’re aligning your life with the Creator of the universe and living a life He can bless. You’re not “proselytizing” when you share the gospel…you’re offering other people the ONLY pathway to eternal life. You’re not “imposing your values on others” when you speak to cultural issues…you’re sharing life-changing truth with people. The more they reject God’s Word, the more they need it.”

You and I are “…ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:20) God is actively building His kingdom, and He wants you to be a part of it. He invites each of us to be an ambassador…to tell the world about the peace, protection, and freedom He offers from the troubles of this world.

The next time you wonder if living by God’s Word is worth the cost of personal obedience and public opposition, remember your Father’s promise: His Word ‘shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.’ (Isaiah 55:11)

It may seem dangerous in our days to live by and share biblical truth because so many see the Word as irrelevant, but it’s actually more dangerous not to simply because eternity hangs in the balance. INTENTIONAL men of the Word embrace the call to reconciliation.

About The Author

Dave Wickstrom has been the Administrative Pastor at Auburn Grace Community Church since 2012. Prior to that he worked for private Christian school education as a Teacher and Administrator for 30 years. He is married and has two children and one grandchild. He is passionate about connecting people to ministry, and encouraging believers to give their time and God given gifts to the advancement of His Kingdom.
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