Dave’s Monday Blast – April 10, 2023

In the shadow of another Easter season, where I was once again reminded of exactly what Jesus endured because of my sin, I am reminded of my own death and resurrection as a result of His. I was dead in my trespasses and sins, destined to be eternally separated from the Father, but because of who He is and what He did, I now find myself an adopted son of the most high God and destined to spend eternity with Him.

As a result of my new position in the family of God, I now have a unique calling from God my Father. Ephesians 2:10 informs me that I am His masterpiece. I was created in His image, called to be His child, saved by His sacrifice, gifted to fulfill His purpose for my life. Pastor Jim Denison writes: Do you know what your unique calling is? God knows your story, your wiring, and your gifts. He knows your abilities, your limitations, and your challenges. And He knows your experience, your education, and your opportunities. God knows all of that about you. And He has a calling on your life that only you can uniquely fulfill. You have a Kingdom assignment. If you’re not sure what it is, ask the Lord. He wants you to know.” Psalm 139:14 reminds us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made…”The Maker wants you to know what you were made for!

At this point of discovery, Denison reminds us that we have to “ask the harder question…’Lord, am I willing to do your thing, the unique thing you’ve called me to do?’ God’s will isn’t a searchlight that shows that final destination but rather a flashlight that shows the next step. Where is He directing you?”

I would add this question: How does He direct you to your unique calling? Of course, INTENTIONAL men of God know that His flashlight is always illuminating His Word (Psalm 119:105) and it is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. I would suggest though that there are some things that all of us are called to do; they are unique to children of God.

I recently read a series of devotions by Pastor Charles Stanley on building Excellent Relationshipsrelationships that are built upon His Word. He uses that word EXCELLENT because we are instructed in the Word to excel even more in loving one another (I Thessalonians 4:9 – 10).

Over the next couple weeks I want to spend a little time unpacking his teaching on this topic.

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