Dave’s Monday Blast — July 26, 2015

Picture yourself driving down that perfect road to some long awaited summer vacation destination that you just can’t wait to get to. Looks good doesn’t it? Now then…you round a corner and see THAT sign, “Flag Man Ahead…Expect Delays”. Ugh…just when you were so close! Or how about that checkout line at the grocery store […]

Dave’s Monday Blast — July 20, 2015

It is good to be back with you this morning. I was away last week with my family and “thought” I had sent this missive to Starla (Office Manager) to forward to you last Monday…but I neglected, evidently, to press send. My apologies. I guess the Lord knew that you needed a break from my […]

Dave’s Monday Blast – July 6, 2015

Last week we began considering some of the teaching from our All Church Family Camp on the wisdom of being “Duct-Taped” to 3 very specific Spiritual Growth Essentials. We looked at 2 Chronicles 16:9 which says, “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” This […]

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